According to the Commonfund Institute, the cost of college has risen 2.3% this fiscal year. This in turn will sky-rocketed the student loan debt into the trillions. There are many reasons why colleges may have raised their tuition rates such as: laboratory upgrades, computer upgrades, better student housing, and growth in administration. One would think that the colleges and universities with endowments over $100 million would be able to provide their own upgrades and expansions, but they too have raised their tuition rates.
It almost seems like college has become one of the luxuries that you either have the money for or you don’t. The total cost of attaining a degree at a university, could buy a nice car, even a home in some cases, or maybe even invest in a small business. In my opinion the government should pass a bill that would regulate the cost of college for all students. We go to school to provide a better future for ourselves and other people why not encourage it by lowering the cost.
With tuition on the rise, and with no decline in the near future, the government is raising the national debt every time a student applies for another loan for school. The government should be concerned about this and it seems they are not. The way the economy has been going; most people are concerned for the well-being of their future right now. We as students need to be concerned about this, we are going to school to better our future and by the time we get there, there may be nothing to look forward to.