Friday, October 28, 2011

Outrageous Costs

If I were asked to describe college tuition in one word I would have to say, outrageous.  The high cost of attending college has all of us cringing.  I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to go to the college of their choice, but the thought of paying off the student loans for the rest of their life is not appealing in the least.  The government is able to put a price cap on other expenses; why have they not put a limit on college tuition as well. 
According to the Commonfund Institute, the cost of college has risen 2.3% this fiscal year.   This in turn will sky-rocketed the student loan debt into the trillions.  There are many reasons why colleges may have raised their tuition rates such as: laboratory upgrades, computer upgrades, better student housing, and growth in administration.  One would think that the colleges and universities with endowments over $100 million would be able to provide their own upgrades and expansions, but they too have raised their tuition rates. 

It almost seems like college has become one of the luxuries that you either have the money for or you don’t.  The total cost of attaining a degree at a university, could buy a nice car, even a home in some cases, or maybe even invest in a small business.  In my opinion the government should pass a bill that would regulate the cost of college for all students.  We go to school to provide a better future for ourselves and other people why not encourage it by lowering the cost. 

With tuition on the rise, and with no decline in the near future, the government is raising the national debt every time a student applies for another loan for school.  The government should be concerned about this and it seems they are not.  The way the economy has been going; most people are concerned for the well-being of their future right now.  We as students need to be concerned about this, we are going to school to better our future and by the time we get there, there may be nothing to look forward to. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Arrested for Being Peaceful

I’m a sucker for a good title and when I came across this one I had to stop and read it and watch the video that was posted with it, “Youcan’t be a protester and a customer at BofA.”  A few protesters in Santa Cruz, California decided to close their accounts at Bank of America.  They enter the bank holding signs that say “I am closing my BOA account today,” the manager comes up to them and says that they cannot be a customer and a protester at the same time.  The manager then locks the doors and threatens to call the police.  A similar scenario happened at a Citibank in New York where a woman was outside of a bank wanting to close her account and they called the police to arrest her for being disruptive.  If you watch the video of her arrest the woman did not appear to be disruptive at all.  I was not aware that this movement, Occupy the Boardroom, was even going on until I read this article.  I think that by writing this article Nicole Belle was trying to capture the attention of those who don’t know what has been going on in the cooperate world.  The author of this post is one of many liberals who support this movement.  She has had a continuous blog on the crooks and liars website since 2006.  Belle believes that the banks had no right to refuse the protesters the right to close their accounts.  I have to agree with her on this subject.  I have never heard of a law that prohibits a person to close their account or agreement with a bank just because they choose to protest it.  The protesters who went to Bank of America did not seem to disturb the peace at all except for the sign they took in with them, I do not think that the police should have been called just because of a couple of peaceful protester wanting to close their accounts.  The banks should find a different way to keep their customers instead of refusing to close their accounts. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

People Protesting for People

The column, Occupy Wall Street is 2nd American Revolution, was written by DeWayne Wickham, a columnist who credentials go back over a span of thirty years.  He has worked at CBS News, Black Entertainment News, Tom Joyner Morning Show and is now the current director of the Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies at North Carolina A&T State University.  In this column Wickham states his opinions about the Occupy Wall Street movement.  He interviewed Stacey Patton for this column, she protested eleven years earlier when four New York policemen were let off on a not guilty verdict after shooting an African American nineteen times.  She was arrested and was let go the next day with an injured leg and nightmares.  Patton thought she would never be a part of a protest again and yet here she is fighting for something she wants.  She still believes in having a democracy and that is the reason that she decided to join the protest.  Wickham says this is a revolt; they are not trying to take over the government just change it.  In his eyes this is a peaceful revolt one that has opened the eyes of many Americans.  Wickham’s intended audience includes all Americans who see Occupy Wall Street as an unethical way of change.  I agree with Wickham, that this protest is a peaceful and effective way to make the government see the protesters point of view.  Even though the protester leaders have not come forward with any demands this has already made a huge impact on America.  It has led to revolts in other states which will hopefully end with a positive impact on the government.  Some people have said this is the start of “The Arab Spring” in the United States, referring to the multiple protests that rose around the Arab Nation late last year and has continued into this year.  The Arabs have seen results and hopefully we also will. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Why Not Now?

While I was browsing through the Fox New website I stumbled upon this, "Obama Calls on Congress to Pass Jobs Bill, Not 'Now' But This Month."  The bill states that President Obama wants to raise taxes on higher-income taxpayers and reduce those of lower-income taxpayers. It will raise two trillion in revenue.  Obama said that he wanted to know what republicans thought of the bill, they responded by telling the President they sent out a memo weeks ago. Obama has been saying for weeks "pass this bill now," and it seems that he has settled for the end of October.

The title of this article was intriguing. The fact that the President took the pressure of off Congress to pass this bill was interesting because he has been pressing them to pass it for the last three weeks. I do not agree with all of the ways he proposed to use the money. I do not think it should be used to support unemployed people, I do however think that it should be used help them acquire a new job. I chose this article because I believe something as serious as taxes should not be pushed to be approved quickly.